OSRS Tentacle Whip

The Abyssal Tentacle Whip is a one-handed melee weapon that requires a minimum of 75 attack. The weapon is created by combining a kraken tentacle with an abyssal whip. Players can obtain an abyssal whip from killing abyssal demons or abyssal sire, while a kraken tentacle can be obtained from killing the slayer boss kraken.

The tentacle whip is slightly weaker than the Blade of Saeldor, with a slash bonus of 90, as opposed to the blades +94.

Tentacle Whip Stats

OSRS Tentacle Whip stats
Tentacle Whip stats


When you create a tent whip you will be granted 10,000 charges. Each hit will use one charge, allowing 10,000 hits before the weapon degrades. When fully degraded, the kraken tentacle will be returned but the whip will be lost.

Players have the option to combine two abyssal tentacles, this action will destroy both the whip and tentacle for the second tent whip. Meaning you will effectively lose an additional kraken tentacle. The abyssal tentacle whip can hold up to 20,000 charges.

Special Attack

The abyssal tentacle whip has a special attack that consumes 50% of the players special attack energy. The attack will bound the target for 5 seconds, and has a 50% chance of applying poison.

OSRS Special Attack animation
Special Attack animation

Uses for the Tentacle Whip – where is it good?

The Tent Whip has a wide variety of uses. Firstly, it is one of the best weapons for attack training. Additionally, It can be good for general combat training such as slayer, however, its degradation makes it expensive to use. It is also a very good budget weapon for bossing. You will find it a popular budget item at the following places:

Tentacle Whip Vs Abyssal Whip

The Tentacle Whip functions as a direct upgrade to the Abyssal Whip, with 4+ higher strength and 8+ higher slash bonus. However, only the tent whip can degrade, making it an expensive weapon in the long-term. Therefore, the abyssal whip still has its uses, generally for low to mid tier content. While the tentacle whip is used predominately for high-level content such as bossing.

Is the Abyssal Tentacle Whip worth it?

Yes, the abyssal tentacle whip is a powerful and affordable weapon for getting started in high level bossing. It can help to build a budget setup for some of the most profitable forms of bossing in the game, including raids. However, for general use such as slayer the item is not worth it generally, due to the degradation and cost to upkeep. Instead opt for a ghrazi rapier or abyssal whip for generic, mid-tier melee combat.