Raid Shadow Legends: Ursuga Warcaller Champion Guide

Ursuga Warcaller is a legendary void affinity champion from the barbarians faction in Raid Shadow Legends. She is a highly desirable legendary champion in Raid, making a strong addition to many teams. Ursuga is best suited to Arena teams and is one of the best support champions in the Arena. Its recommended to build her as a fast tank (high hp and speed), she can protect your team while dealing decent damage to your opponents. An Arena guide will be provided in this post, including information on how to build Ursuga, team compositions and strategies.

Ursuga Stats Overview

Ursuga Warcaller avatar
  • Faction: Barbarians
  • Type: Health
  • Affinity: Void
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • HP: 23460
  • Attack: 485
  • Defense: 1531
  • Critical Rate: 15
  • Critical Damage: 50
  • Speed: 108
  • Resistance: 50
  • Accuracy: 0
  • Aura: Increase Ally HP in by 33
  • Books to Max Skills: 11

Ursuga Skills Overview

Gigantic Cudgel

A1: Gigantic Cudgel

Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 45% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 1 turn.

Upgrades as follows:

  • Level 2: Damage +5%
  • Level 3: Damage +10%
  • Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
  • Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Barrel Through

A2: Barrel Through

Attacks all enemies. Places a 25% [Decrease C. DMG] debuff and a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns on targets whose ATK is higher than their DEF. Places a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff and a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns on targets whose ATK is equal to or lower than their DEF.

Upgrades as follows:

  • Level 2: Damage +5%
  • Level 3: Damage +5%
  • Level 4: Damage +5%
  • Level 5: Cooldown -1
  • Level 6: Cooldown -1
Bottoms Up

A3: Bottoms Up

Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all allies except this Champion for 3 turns. Places a 25% [Strengthen] buff on this Champion for 3 turns.

Upgrades as follows:

  • Level 2: Cooldown -1
  • Level 3: Cooldown -1
Golden Guard [P]

A4: Golden Guard [P]

Decreases the damage all allies receive from critical hits by 30%. This Champion will receive that damage instead.

Upgrades as follows:

  • No books needed.

Ursuga Warcaller Arena Build Guide

Ursuga Warcaller is a premium defensive champ for Arena in all levels up to and including Platinum level Arena. Even during the Platinum Arena reset when the best defences are selected you can find her prominently on the teams of top players. Her main purpose is to delay the victory of the opponents for as long as possible and to soak up all possible incoming damage to save the rest of the team against hard-hitting dps champions.

Ursuga’s passive that decreases incoming Critical damage by 30% and redirects it towards herself is considered to be the most important. Her A3 that places Ally Protection on the team and Strengthen buff on Ursuga. If you are on a tight budget you could get away without booking her if the only things you want is to soak the damage. However, her cooldown skills are worth booking and are an improvement.


Her best suited masteries are the following:

SUPPORT: focus on health and healing along with Rapid Response that grants a 30% Chance to increase TM by 10% when a buff is removed or expires.

DEFENSE: notable masteries include Resurgent: 50% chance to remove debuff when they lose 25% of their max HP, Selfless Defender: Decrease damage an ally receives from the first enemy hit each round by 20% this champion takes the damage instead, Cycle of Revenge: 50% of increasing Turn Meter by 15% when an ally is attacked with a critical hit, and most importantly the Tier 6 mastery Bulwark: Decreases the damage all allies receive by 5% this champion will receive that damage instead.

Together Ursuga’s kit and masteries allow her to become one of the best Platinum-worthy arena tanks in the game and one of the enablers that can survive nukes from Trunda and Candraphon teams.

Ursuga Warcaller masteries

Gear & Stats Build

When building Ursuga Warcaller for arena her build is all about packing as much HP with decent DEF as humanly possible. 100-130k HP and 3k DEF are stats to aim for while the rest are optional. Her best in slot set is Guardian followed by Stalwart/Shield and any off sets like Immortal or HP sets to push the HP even higher. Guardian + Immortal for ultimate damage mitigation to your team and extra passive healing.

When it comes to accessories, reaction is king. First of all she will be a slow champion so there will be plenty of time to take less damage from your enemies so if you have any applicable Barbarian reaction she will love it. Other than that you want main stat HP with HP% on the ring, Necklace main stat HP with DEF, ACC, or RES substats, and main stat HP banner with HP% Subs.

Recommended Main Stats

  • Glove: HP% / Def%
  • Chest: HP% / Def% / Atk%
  • Boots: Speed
  • Ring: HP
  • Amulet: HP / Def
  • Banner: HP
Ursuga Warcaller gear and stats

Arena Teams & Strategy

Ursuga is an amazing defensive champion for Arena. She can be used in both offense in a go second team or more commonly for a defense.

  1. [Shield] Pair her with someone that will give your entire team a shield buff.
  2. [Speed] Higher speed (180-200 range) works with no reaction accessories, with reaction accessories you can have her as slow as 160 or less to take advantage of non-critical hits.
  3. [Reviver] Pairing her with a reviver such as Duchess, Siphi, Blind Seer, Raglin, Rector Drath or even Scyl will take your defense to the next level to stall out the fight to the point your opponent will quit.
  4. [AI] A3 as the main priority skills and A2 as the second one.

Possible Ursuga Offensive Teams

  • Against Hegemon: Skytouched Shaman / Cardiel / Riho / Tuhanarak / Doompriest (To Remove debuffs on your team) Paired with a shield champion for added protection against nuke Hegemons and a damage dealer preferably Candraphon / Trunda / Foli.
  • Against High Damage Offenses: Pair with a Reviver preferably in Swift Parry such as Duchess, Siphi, Blind Seer, Raglin, Rector Drath and a shield champion such as Krisk, Mountain King, Maulie for added protection.

Possible Defensive Teams

  • Stall Defense: Aim is to use at Platinum reset and make your opponent give up. Multiple Revivers (2) preferably in Swift Parry such as Duchess, Siphi, Blind Seer, Raglin, Rector Drath, or Maulie, with a high HP shield Champion such as Vogoth, Krisk, Seeker, or Mountain King.
  • Defensively Offensive: Pair with one Reviver preferably in Swift Parry such as Duches, Siphi, Blind Seer, Raglin, Rector Drath, or Maulie, with a high HP shield Champion such as Vogoth, Krisk, Seeker, or Mountain King + a damage dealer like Candraphon in Swift Parry to combat the most popular nuker Trunda, or Foli to combat Kymar.

The main weakness of Ursuga are champions that can bypass her passive talent such as Ramantu in high level Platinum arena.

Ursuga Warcaller arena teams

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